Chapel Volunteers

We understand the immense value that chapel time holds for our guests. Each weekday morning, our day commences with a chapel service, as we recognize the need for spiritual nourishment in the lives of those we serve. However, we are truly blessed to have the support of dedicated volunteers from various churches, who conduct chapel services every Tuesday and Thursday.

We are immensely grateful for the volunteers who go the extra mile to bring refreshments for our guests after the service. Their thoughtfulness and generosity bring joy and comfort to those who need it most.

The chapel serves as a sanctuary within our shelter, offering solace and encouragement to our guests in their journey towards healing and restoration. Each volunteer group brings unique perspectives, experiences, and insights that enrich the spiritual journey of our guests.

If you would be interested in volunteering in this capacity, there would be a speaker evaluation that is conducted by our CEO to ensure the spiritual care of our guests. If you are interested, please contact our Director of Men’s Ministries for more information.