Donate by Check:

Peninsula Rescue Mission

3700 Huntington Ave.
Newport News, VA 23607

Donor Perfect

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Clickable or Scannable Paypal QR Code


We understand that making a donation involves not only your time and effort but also your financial contribution. Accordingly, we want to remind you that your donations to Peninsula Rescue Mission are tax deductible. Your generosity not only makes a difference in the lives of the individuals we serve but can also provide you with valuable tax benefits.

The tax receipt will include the necessary information such as the donation amount, our organization's detailed contact information, and our federal tax identification number. These details will enable you to accurately report your charitable donations to the relevant tax authorities.
Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who have chosen to support our mission.
If you have any questions regarding your donation or require further information for tax purposes, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Accountant.