A Christ-Centered plan of action that leads the homeless toward self-sufficiency.

PRM B.R.I.D.G.E. Program

The B.R.I.D.G.E. Program at Peninsula Rescue Mission is a discipleship program designed to minister to men experiencing homelessness to a place of wholeness and relationship. Just as bridges help make the connection from one place to another our program seeks to bridge the gaps in the lives of our participant between self and Jesus Christ.

At the core of our program is the belief that each person is made for relationship – relationship with God, themselves, and others. Unfortunately, many of the men who come to PRM have experienced broken relationships with their families and friends. They often struggle with an uncertainty of their own identity, unsure of who they truly are; separated from God, yearning to be reconciled to Him. Through our ministry, we aim to address these disconnects and facilitate restoration. The ultimate goal of the B.R.I.D.G.E. Program is to share the Gospel message and see men restored to a right relationship with God through Christ Jesus. We want them to know who they are in Him, finding their identities firmly grounded in their relationship with the Lord.

In the B.R.I.D.G.E. Program, our approach is holistic, encompassing both the physical and emotional needs of the men we serve. Over a period of 6-12 months, we provide comprehensive care, offering support in areas such as learning new skills, accessing proper medical help, and planning for the future. However, the guiding thread that weaves through all these aspects of care is the Word of God.
Through a biblical lens, our work therapy initiative plays a critical role in navigating the challenges and opportunities faced by our program participants. We believe that the Word of God has the power to bring true transformation and healing. By fostering a deeper connection to the community, themselves, and the Lord, these men can experience genuine restoration.

If you are interested in learning more about our B.R.I.D.G.E. Program or would like to serve as a mentor in our Mentor Program, we invite you to reach out to Troy Giles, Director of Men’s Ministries, at troy@prm.info. Together, let us continue building bridges of hope and wholeness for those in our community experiencing homelessness.

6 Phases of the Program

  1. Probation- Two Week Trial Period

  2. Transition to Lindley Building- our B.R.I.D.G.E. Dorm – (upon official acceptance into program)

  3. Mid-Point Recognition- 3 months

  4. Begin Work Search- start of 6 month mark

  5. Work Transition- Upon securing employment then offered 3-4 months of housing

  6. Graduation- Official transition out of BRIDGE Program within 3-6 months after securing work, bank account and housing.

B.R.I.D.G.E. Core Values

B – Biblical: We believe God’s Word must be the light to our feet and contains everything we need for a prosperous life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness (Psalm 119:105; 2 Peter 2:4).

R – Relational: Our God is intensely relational and calls us to emulate his commitment to relationship. Learning to focus on God moves us to engage with Him and others with purpose (Genesis 2:28; Matthew 22:37-38).

I – Individualized: When we have a problem with others, we often feel our problems will improve as soon as they focus on what they did wrong to us. God wants to focus first on the role we play while addressing our physical condition (Matthew 7:3-5).

D – Discipleship: Learning Biblical precepts, while modeling and guiding others toward living righteously as followers of Jesus. Embracing the cyclical approach that, once we are discipled, we are to disciple others, and so on (Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 12:2).

G – Goal Focused:  When we focus on Christ, He has our attention. Learning to see the world from a clear Biblical perspective, sets our minds on things above, not the influence of the world (Colossians 3:14).

E – Empowering: Our desire is to experience our men graduate our program with confidence in the Lord, better equipped to meet the demands of life, while approaching circumstances with Godly wisdom stronger spiritually, physically, and mentally (Proverbs 1).