Beautiful Stories of God’s Grace
PRM Stories

Andre, recently coming out of incarceration, shared, “No one wanted to give me a place to stay. When every door seemed to be closed to me, PRM’s door was open.”
Drugs, alcohol, and adultery were all part of Andre’s riddled past, and they seemed to be contributing factors to his anger. The “business” that Andre needed to take care of most was his relationship with the Lord.
“What I discovered here at PRM is God. This experience has taught me to allow God to be first. It has been humbling.”
As Andre continued to share his testimony, he owned his past mistakes. “I take full responsibility for doing drugs and drinking. This place has helped me to find peace in all that has happened to me. It’s opened my mind and my heart to the idea that God has a purpose and a calling on my life. I felt God telling me that when you go to the next place, you won’t have to worry about drugs and alcohol hindering you from my purpose.”
The two days we spent working alongside Andre were a kind reminder from God that He is in the business of transforming lives. Andre later said, “I have learned who I am through Christ, and I will NEVER go back. I never would have thought this could be the happiest time of my life...it doesn’t make sense.”
Andre is absolutely right. How does a man who is going through so much and who came in so angry, leave just a few short days later with this kind of joy? Apart from the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ it really doesn’t make sense.
Andre asked us to thank each of you who help keep the doors open for men like him. Your giving, praying, and serving are so important! He shared, “God is seen in this place unlike any place I’ve been to in my life. God is here, and He is changing lives.”
His money had run out again, and as Earl checked out of his hotel room, he thought to himself, “What street am I going to live on now? Where in the world do I go?” This was now the second time he came into some money, booked an extended stay at a hotel, and squandered what was left on alcohol. Unsure of what to do, he went back to his dad’s house - which he described as “a prodigal son situation.”
“I still remember because it was Easter Sunday. My two sisters were also there, and one was really putting pressure on me, asking what I was going to do next. Before leaving that day, my dad handed me my stimulus check and said I couldn’t stay there. In April of 2020 I had stayed at PRM, so I called to see if I could come back. They said, ‘Yes.’”
On April 7, 2021, a year later, Earl was back at the mission. “A few days in I heard about a church group hosting game night and decided to go. I hopped into a game of Uno and made some good friends. No one was beating me down, trying to preach to me; it was just good, clean fun. I had been in the hotel all by myself with no one to talk to, so this was the most fun I’ve had in more than a year!”
Earl was invited to worship the next morning at Hampton Roads Fellowship (HRF), just ten blocks down from the mission. He came that Sunday, continues to attend weekly, and even came back to serve a meal with the church group! What’s even more amazing is to hear Earl share, “Since April 7 when I came back to PRM, I have not had a drink. Without this place my life would be in turmoil and full of stress. My dad may have let me come home, but that wouldn’t be a good situation for either of us. PRM welcomed me back, held me accountable with the random breathalyzers, and I was able to get connected to a local church. Now I have something to look forward to each week. I’m not isolated, and I’m pushing myself to be among people. I’m learning about the Lord, and I’m glad to be a part of it.”
It was the summer of 2020 when Jim was picked up by law enforcement for a probation violation. Fast forward to January of 2021, he was released with just the t-shirt and pair of pants he was wearing that summer day. “When I got out, everything I had was gone. It was cold out and I was thinking how am I going to survive? How am I going to live?,” Jim recalls, “PRM was the only place I could come to and be safe at. “
At check-in, Jim admits he was a little confused having never been in this situation before. “Everyone was nice and so helpful. I was able to get a jacket and have my basic needs taken care of. What I was worried about most was having a place to sleep since I had never slept on the streets before. PRM was able to provide this for me.”
On February 5, 2021, not long after Jim had checked in, he joined the Overcomers Program, (now B.R.I.D.G.E. program) our six-to-twelve-month life recovery program designed for guests who desire more time to sort through their current life situation. Program participants are asked to commit to a work assignment for the first six months to seek the Lord’s plan for their life, develop healthy habits, and prepare for post-PRM life. As Jim looks back on this season he says, “It got me closer to Christ. Made me realize I have to slow down. I can’t just expect everything to happen real quick. It has been a steppingstone to helping me get back on my feet.”
In August, Jim was able to purchase a used vehicle with money he had been saving during his time in the program. With a background in construction, he began picking up part-time handyman work to supplement his income. What’s next for Jim? He says, “I want to save up a little bit of money and move into my own place, take care of my own responsibilities. I also don’t mind coming down to the thrift store on my off days just to help out because the mission has helped me.”
If PRM was not here Jim shared, “I would probably end up back in jail due to another violation. A lot of guys in my situation without a place to stay and being out on the streets experience a lot of headaches and heart aches. Without a place to stay many men just end up violating again or doing something to get thrown in jail. The mission is a place where it is helping people get back on their feet. Many come to get their self-esteem back up and get a little bit of comfort so that we have enough time to make a change. Now I realize I just need to slow down, take time and allow things to come into place. I had to go through a lot to learn this. PRM helped me to realize I have to slow my life down and pace myself.”
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