Assist our kitchen staff by serving a meal to our guests. Serving the meal and cleaning the kitchen & dining room takes no more than two hours.
SERVE a Meal
You can bring food and prepare it at the Mission or purchase prepared food from a restaurant or grocery store. Must be enough food to feed 50 men. This option includes serving and cleaning up. Plan 3-4 hours.
If you are unable to serve and clean up, you can purchase prepared food and drop it off or have it delivered. Must be enough food to feed 50 men. These local places work well for ordering food for a large group: Cracker Barrel, Kroger Deli, Walmart Deli, Mission BBQ, Dominos Pizza.
ADOPT a Meal
Every day we conduct a chapel service for our residents. While we meet the physical needs of our guests, we also want to address their most important need - a relationship with Jesus.
Weekday morning chapels are led by our staff. There are 4 additional services each week that are led by volunteers - Saturday morning, Sunday evening, Tuesday evening, and Thursday evening.
Chapel speakers are vetted by our CEO and are required to sign a doctrinal statement to ensure the spiritual care of our guests. If you are interested, email our CEO.