Family Ministry

Camp Open Arms
Peninsula Rescue Mission's Summer Camp
The saying "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree" reminds us that we need to reach children when they are young. Most people become followers of Christ in their childhood, before their hearts become hardened and influenced by the world.
In 1974, we started "Camp Open Arms" to specifically reach out to young children. Every July, we bring 64 children, ages 8 through 15, from low-income families to a camp in Surry County for a week. In this rural setting, we show them love and provide them with safe opportunities to have fun, make new friends, swim, sing, and learn about a Savior that loves them. Food, Swimming and “God and I” time tend to be the top favorites of most of our campers!
Our current cost per child is $300. Generous individuals, churches, and businesses sponsor the children. Campers will send many of them a thank-you card as a token of gratitude. Many children have found their faith in Jesus through this ministry, and their lives have been transformed forever. Some even return as counselors!
2024 Registration Open!!
2024 Registration Open!! 〰️
What is Camp Open Arms?
Thanksgiving Outreach
Peninsula Rescue Mission Brings Thanksgiving Joy to Families in Need
At PRM, Thanksgiving is about sharing the love of Christ in a very practical way. With donor support, PRM staff and volunteers assemble 175-200 food boxes for families in need within our community. Schools and churches help deliver these boxes to families. Each box contains everything needed for a delicious Thanksgiving meal.
If you would like to help on Packing Day please contact our Volunteer Coordinator. If you would like more information about donating food items for this project, please contact our Donor Relations Coordinator.
Below is the list of items we need for our Thanksgiving Food Boxes: (Please be aware of expiration dates)
canned vegetables (green beans, peas, corn, yams)
canned fruit (peaches, pears, fruit cocktail)
5 lb. sugar / 5 lb. flour
pie filling
cranberry sauce
Christmas Outreach
Bringing Christmas Joy to Families in Need
Perhaps you remember childhood Christmases with deep fondness. For some struggling families, Christmas can be a hard time. It can be a sad time for many of those children. That is why we work so hard to provide joy for the many children we help each year.
Every child, from birth through 18 yrs, receives two large bags filled with NEW toys and NEW clothes, most purchased and donated by our faithful donors! The Moms come and receive the gifts so they can present them to the children from themselves or from Santa, however they choose.
The day of preparing those bags involves the largest group of volunteers than at any other time during the year. Perhaps your office, family, Sunday School class, or group would like to get involved by volunteering to help prepare the gift bags. If so, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator. If your group would like to help by donating new children’s clothing and toys, please contact our Donor Relations Coordinator.